
Thursday 2 October 2014

17.2 Coinbase wordcloud

0. Introduction
There's a lot of very odd phrases and parts of phrases in the bitcoin coinbase. Some are just signatures for pools; others are somewhat more artistic in nature. And who could forget the Eligius "prayers-in-the-coinbase" shenanigans?

1. Quick and easy
I thought I could write a very quick wordcloud for the words in the coinbase. I used the dictionary that comes with every unix install ( /usr/share/dict/words ) and fgrep. I grepped words four letters and longer only.

It took about half an hour to run the 250000 or so words against the coinbase, and get back with found words and their frequencies. Note that I'm only including dictionary words here and a word is defined as starting or ending with punctuation, so some of your coinbase favourites won't be here.It does however include proper names, which scrabble has taught me is just plain wrong! Oh well.

2. Results
The colours and axes don't mean anything; it's just supposed to be pretty rather than very informative. It'd probably make a good t-shirt too.

Organofcorti lives! is a reader supported blog:


Find a typo or spelling error? Email me with the details at and if you're the first to email me I'll pay you 0.01 btc per ten errors.

Please refer to the most recent blog post for current rates or rule changes.

I'm terrible at proofreading, so some of these posts may be worth quite a bit to the keen reader.
  • Errors in text repeated across multiple posts: I will only pay for the most recent errors rather every single occurrence.
  • Errors in chart texts: Since I can't fix the chart texts (since I don't keep the data that generated them) I can't pay for them. Still, they would be nice to know about!
I write in British English.

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