
Sunday 2 December 2012

2nd December weekly pool and network statistics

Welcome, miners.

I spent most of the week rewriting scripts for accuracy and to fail better. I'm quite happy with the results. I also made the "week" boundary much firmer by only including blocks after the first block last Sunday (UTC) to the last block Saturday (UTC). The blocks are included in the first table title.

Figure 1: Table
I  removed data that no one was interested in, and added more pertinent data. I've included network statistics, handy if you're comparing a pool's performance to the network's performance in general, and  I added the CDF so that the "shares per round / D" makes a bit more sense, and added the upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the Network and hashrate estimates. I did this since I noticed on the forum many posters confusing the daily or hourly network hashrate estimates for the actual number of hashes submitted. This is of course impossible, and after trying to explain why a few times, I thought it might be useful to just include the upper and lower 95% confidence interval for the estimate in the stats.

Figure 2:
The upper and lower 95% confidence intervals for the Network hashrate estimates are the shaded areas of the plot. It makes it much more obvious that the top three pool hashrates combined have been around the 50% of the network hashrate for quite a while - not that it matters greatly.
Figure 3:
Only the top ten pools are included. This way the chart is easier to read, and I don't have to use a log scale. I'm still collecting the data for the smaller pool if at some point in the future their hashrates increase and bring them into the top ten.

Figure 4:
The network average hashrate per 144 rounds is included, along with a shaded 95% confidence interval.

Figures 5, 6, 7, 8:
No changes to the display of the data.

Let me know what you think of the changes, and if you'd like the data they're based on pasted somewhere.

Average hashrate:
Average hashrate = Total shares / Total round time

Weekly average round length as a fraction of difficulty:
Average number of shares submitted per round / difficulty

Figure 1: Table of all pools with public data and their various statistics averaged for the last seven days - for smaller pools the average may be more or less than seven days, depending on number of blocks solved for the week. Network hashrate and hashrate are estimates, the upper and lower 95% confidence interval bounds are included.
Figure 2: Chart of network hashrate, hashrate of the largest mining pool, combined hashrates of the three largest mining pools, and a line representing 50% of the network hashrate. Handy if you're worried about 51% attacks. The upper and lower 95% confidence interval bounds for the network hashrate are in between the shaded areas.
Figure 3: Chart of chronology of pool hashrates, averaged per week.
Figure 4: Chart of average hashrates per pool per round for the week, and per 144 rounds for the network. The upper and lower 95% confidence interval bounds for the network hashrate are in between the shaded areas.
Figure 5: Chart of chronology of negative binomial CDF probability of shares submitted and blocks produced for the week.
Figure 6: Chart of chronology of round length divided by difficulty, averaged per week.
Figure 7: Chart of hashrate vs round length for hoppable pools (the larger the hashrate increase at the start of a round, the larger the loss to strategic miners).
Figure 8: Chart of fulltime miner earnings loss at a proportional pool caused by pool hoppers, expressed as expected PPS earnings for fulltime miners. Currently only for Bitlc and Deepbit.

Thanks to and for use of their network statistics.

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