
Monday 30 September 2013

September 29th 2013 weekly pool and network statistics

Welcome, miners.

  • Added "New coinbase messages", which are non-pool coinbase signatures from the block creator.
Usual pools missing from results:
  • Nil
  • Nil
Pools with coinbase signature:

Recent coinbase messages:

  • 258692 "To my honey, by bitfish."
  • 35 blocks from 259316 to 260578 "For Pierce and Paul"

Pool hopping:
  • Nil.

1. Pierce and Paul get famous.
Someone with over 30Thps wants two guys named Pierce and Paul to know that they are for them rather than against them. Who are Pierce and Paul? Why are some people for them and (obviously) some against? I do hate not knowing.

2. "Unknown" returns
"Unknown" is up to around 10% of the network, and blockorigin's data shows a similar proportion (although averaged over the last 2016 blocks rather than the past 1348 blocks. I think it's a mining company rather than a pool or manufacturer, but not sure which one. Please post if you know.

As usual, please post comments if there's anything you don't understand, with which you disagree, or just think is wrong.

The charts

Table: Table of all pools with public data and their various statistics averaged for the last seven days - for smaller pools the average may be more or less than seven days, depending on number of blocks solved for the week. Network hashrate and that of some pools are estimates, the upper and lower 95% confidence interval bounds are included.
Figure 1: Pie chart of the percentage of network blocks hashrate by pool. "Unknown" combines those pools for which I can't scrape statistics, solominers and private pools. The percentage of network hashrate will only be approximate since the exact network hashrate is unknown.
Figure 2: Chart of network hashrate, hashrate of the largest mining pool, combined hashrates of the three largest mining pools, and a line representing 50% of the network hashrate. Handy if you're worried about 51% attacks. The upper and lower 95% confidence interval bounds for the network hashrate are in between the shaded areas.
Figure 3: Chart of chronology of pool hashrates, averaged per week.
Figure 4: Chart of average hashrates per pool per round for the week, and per 144 rounds for the network. The upper and lower 95% confidence interval bounds for the network hashrate are in between the shaded areas.
Figure 5: Chart of chronology of negative binomial CDF probability of shares submitted and blocks produced for the week.
Figure 6: Chart of chronology of round length divided by difficulty, averaged per week.
Figure 7: Chart of hashrate vs round length for hoppable pools (the larger the hashrate increase at the start of a round, the larger the loss to strategic miners).
Figure 8: Chart of pool user hashrate distribution. Note that for some pools this average is over twenty four hours, some pools are averaged over an hour or more and some for only fifteen minutes, so expect some variance in the results.

Thanks to for use of their network statistics. is a reader supported blog:



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